Amina Bliss

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Prayer for My Commitment to Awakening

Beloved Father/Mother God,

I desire only to know You as myself; to be Christ incarnate.

To radiate the essence of your divine Love from every cell of my being in every moment;

I AM your humble servant. I live to Serve Love;

I commit myself to the fulfillment of my deepest desire to awaken to the Truth.

I dedicate myself to cultivate intention through devoted and consistent practice.

I utilize time each day for the remembrance of what I truly am—and what I am here for: to remember that I AM the thought of Love in form and that I AM One with God.

Allow me to look upon all things with love, peace, and equanimity.

Let me be in complete acceptance of all people, situations, and circumstances exactly as they are.

May my every thought, word, and action be made in service to Love and to support the awakening of all.

May I see the innocence and purity of Christ within myself so that I may recognize it and see it reflected in all beings.

There are no others.

There is only One.

One Love. One Life. One God.

I AM that.

Thank you, Love. Thank you, Life. Thank you, God.

I surrender my path to You, trusting that I will be led and guided in every moment.

As I faithfully and humbly follow you, my awakening to complete remembrance of the Truth is certain.

It is already done in the Mind of God. I have never left my Source.

I am grateful that this is so.

I allow it to be.

And so it is! Amen.